Bountifield Named a Finalist for the 2021 .ORG Impact Awards

[Minneapolis, MN] – Bountifield International is pleased to announce that they have been selected as a finalist in the 3rd annual .ORG Impact Awards, which honors remarkable mission-driven organizations and individuals making their communities a better place. The awards are hosted by the Public Interest Registry (PIR).

Bountifield is one of the top five entries in the Fighting Hunger and Poverty category for its work in postharvest technical innovation and business solutions for rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa. Bountifield’s unique technology solution helps smallholders to save both time and labor while reducing drudgery, decreasing postharvest losses, and increasing incomes for more sustainable and resilient food systems. Utilizing a “one-to-many” approach, Bountifield targets rural entrepreneurs to directly support many smallholders with postharvest technology services, particularly benefiting women and youth. This creates more opportunities to process, save, and sell more food resulting in increased rural employment and improved livelihoods, promoting inclusive growth for healthy and resilient communities.

Submissions were reviewed and scored by a panel of judges who are leaders in the Internet, non-profit, and marketing sectors. All nominations were required to be tied to an active website with a .ORG domain.

“I am proud to receive this validation from the .ORG Impact Awards for our contribution to African farmers and local food systems,” said Alexandra Spieldoch, CEO of Bountifield International. “The Bountifield team is passionate about this work and we are ready to move it forward!”

“The .ORG Impact Awards celebrate and showcase the incredible work that mission- driven organizations are doing in their communities and around the world,” said Jon Nevett, President and CEO of the Public Interest Registry. “This year was the most competitive ever—with 633 organizations from more than 40 countries submitting nominations across seven categories. We want to thank all those who submitted entries and congratulate all of the finalists for their impressive achievements.”

This year’s finalists and winners will be celebrated as part of the 2021 .ORG Impact Awards—an online event November 9th that celebrates the range of challenges that the mission-driven community has overcome. Follow @PIRegistry on social media to find out more about the nominees and the event.

Interested parties should visit for complete rules and information.

About Bountifield

Bountifield’s vision is an Africa free from hunger and poised to feed the world. For 40 years, Bountifield has spearheaded small-scale postharvest technology projects in rural communities globally and have increased food security, benefiting more than a million people in over 50 countries along the way. Today, the organization is focused on sub-Saharan Africa where there is the greatest need for finally moving smallholder farmers away from the hand hoe and creating more quality-supply in local and national food markets with postharvest technology and services. Bountifield was founded in 1981 by a group of retired food scientists and engineers from General Mills and Pillsbury and is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota with current programs in Kenya and Malawi. Visit for more information.

About .ORG

.ORG is the original purpose-driven “generic” top-level domain (gTLD) with more than 10 million domain names registered worldwide. .ORG is open to everyone, providing a global platform for organizations, associations, clubs, businesses and individuals to bring their ideas to life. For more than 30 years, .ORG has built an enduring legacy of trust, preserving an open and secure Internet where diverse communities can establish a trusted online identity and freely share ideas. .ORG is powered by the non-profit Public Interest Registry (PIR). PIR has been a champion for a free and open Internet for more than 15 years with a clear mission to be an exemplary domain name registry, provide a trusted digital identity and help educate those who dedicate themselves to improving our world. PIR was founded by the Internet Society ( in 2002 and is based in Reston, Virginia, USA. Visit for more information.

PIR media contact: Cassie Chechile,, 240-463-0483

Bountifield media contact: Stevie Kloeber,, 651-632-3912