Tools Delivered in partnership with the African Institute of Corporate Citizenship in Malawi

Recently, we were able to deliver peanut processing tools in partnership with the African Institute of Corporate Citizenship in Malawi. This was part of AICC’s Women Economic Empowerment (WEE) project which will impact over 5000 women farmers across Malawi – increasing their ability to make income from growing nutritious peanuts by reducing the time needed to process peanuts and increasing the quality of the end product that can be sold at the market.

From the AICC: “During the distribution of the instruments the WEE project manager Rashid Mpinganjira told smallholder farmers that, “labour and time saving technologies could help to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers… to enable smallholders generate more income and agricultural produce whilst at the same time reducing the labour burden on them, so that their livelihoods can improve. This technology can be a route out of poverty for smallholder farmers who require innovations that improve the labour productivity of their agricultural systems.”

The WEE project, which is also funded by The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, works with women farmer groups and organizations throughout Malawi including in “Njuyu, Zombwe, Mpherembe, Mbalachanda, Euthini and Bwengu EPAs in Mzimba north and also in Chiosya, Mkanda and Mikundi EPAs in Mchinji.”

You can support rural women with increased access and opportunities to process, save, and sell more food. Join us in fighting hunger and poverty with opportunity.